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Mostrando postagens com marcador Especiais. Mostrar todas as postagens

5 de abril de 2023

How to Organize Your Kitchen?

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Hello World 🌍

We came to share with you a subject that the vast majority like, but that many times they are unable to do or maintain; I'm talking about ORGANIZATION.
I've always believed in that phrase that what we reflect on our exterior comes from our interior, so in terms of personal or environment-related issues, have you been organized?
To be organized is not a 7-headed bug as the vast majority of people think, YOU JUST NEED TO HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS.

And when it comes to material that will help you organize custom silicone molds are the best option to organize your kitchen; quality and safety materials and the best can be customized according to your needs as you can see a little bit of their website below.

Some tips to help you get organized: Tidying is very different from organizing, organizing follows a logical method, tidying is just putting something somewhere.

STEP 1: Planning is the process of evaluating.
Why do I NEED to get organized? How has being disorganized hindered me in my daily life? After evaluating yourself, it's easier to understand why you need to be organized, and you can already know where to start.

If you didn't already know, silicone products have very resistant material that last an average of 10 years, withstand high and low temperatures, being ideal for storing your packaging anywhere. Silicone is also non-reactive, so it is safe to use for food storage.
In addition to being a durable and resistant material, which we already like, but also the appearance that this organization will provide us with, without a doubt.
To make the environment more fun with different colors or more sophisticated with everything in one color, with the help of silicone products manufacturer, you can organize your kitchen, and decorate it with useful and very versatile products.

STEP 2: The process of finding a place for a given object or item.
Do I really NEED this item? Do I USE this item in my daily life? Do I have a PLACE to store this item? Is it NECESSARY that it remain here? After asking yourself these questions, you've already managed to make a selection of what needs to be removed, and what really needs to stay. This goes for any part of your home or business or even your personal life.
Decluttering is necessary, and removes the weight of things that only brought headaches.

STEP 3: Categorizing is the process of separating objects, articles or pieces of clothing by similar characteristics. HOW MANY pans do I have? Do I have an appropriate SPACE to put them? I need more?
After asking yourself these questions, you will evaluate how and where you will place these items in a functional way for your daily life.
Organizers, as the name already says, are ideal to help you with this function.

4 STEP: Identification: this is the process in which we label the spaces that received each item, facilitating the return and maintenance of the order. WHERE are the towels? HOW WILL I FIND OUT where these documents are?
Then you've probably heard these questions, haven't you?
Identification tags are so that you, or anyone in your home or business, is no longer lost when it comes to finding or storing any item, which is why this step is so important.

STEP 5: Maintenance: is the process of keeping or returning things to the place defined for storage.
Wow how ORGANIZED you are! Wow I ADMIRE YOU, but I can't be like that, I've even tried some warp videos on the internet but I can't keep up. As you are FAST and don't waste time to find things huh!
After following all these steps you will hear this a lot, get ready! And maintenance won't be difficult or discouraging, because you already understood and proved how much being ORGANIZED is not a whim, but changes your day to day.
Oh and don't forget to indicate our blog to help someone you know needs these tips.

Did you like the tip?
Are you going to tell me that you weren't more excited to organize and decorate your home with silicone packaging and utensils?

17 de março de 2023

What Is The Best Brand Gym Clothes?

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Hello World 🌍

It's been a while since we've talked about healthy living around here, right, with the rush of everyday life we forget how important it is to exercise, both for our body to stay healthy; and as this also helps to make us look even more beautiful, but for those who still say that it is not Fitness and that they hate the gym so they don't exercise, there is no need to despair, you can practice a sport that is fun and at the same time helps us to keep us in shape, such as Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Running, Beach walking, Cross fit, Cross Trainer, Cycling etc...💪💪

But to give you that incentive if you're still not convinced, nothing a look can't help, right, because even to exercise we have to feel wonderful, do you agree? 😉

Cosmolle is a store committed to style but without leaving comfort aside, the store has activewear sets for you to call your own! all with best quality, fresh and adaptable clothes from 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY.

Cosmolle does everything with a lot of care and thinking about nature, all the pieces are made with skin care in mind, so you don't have any discomfort when exercising, you can tell by the quality of the fabric of the high waisted workout leggings.

From recycled fish scales to collagen-infused bras and underwear.
On the website they carry a sentence: ''At Cosmolle, we are pushing the boundaries of what is ecologically correct.''

So, did you like the tips? Now you know where to find the parts
to put together your gym looks with quality.
Tell us here in the comments if you already knew Cosmolle?

5 de maio de 2022

4 Ideias de Presentes Criativos Para Sua Mãe | Presentes Criativos Personalizados

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Hello World! 🌍

Você está a procura de um presente especial para presentear a sua Mãe? seja para o dia das Mães ou em qualquer outra data, nós sabemos que elas merecem receber um presente em forma de agradecimento, não acham? Então hoje vamos te dar dicas de presentes, para presentar a sua mãe de uma forma criativa. Que tal dar algo diferente pra sua mãe, nada de panela, ou porta retrato, algo totalmente exclusivo só para ela?  Os presentes personalizados são perfeitos para essa ocasião, porque eles são feitos de acordo com gosto de cada pessoa, por isso eu apresento a vocês algumas ideias de presente para surpreender a sua Mãe  em parceria com a CRC PRESENTES CRIATIVOS PERSONALIZADOS.

💗Caneca com Caricatura da Família, toda Mãe ama ter a foto dos filhos, ainda mais a foto da família toda, para ela tomar café todo dia.
💗Álbum de fotos de uma forma criativa, em figurinhas! Já pensou em dar esse presente super especial para sua mãe? Além de ser divertido ao colocar cada foto no álbum, serão relembrados também, muitos momentos especiais.
💗Na casa da mãe sempre tem aquele cafezinho ou leite quente pela manhã, que tal retribuir todas as vezes que a sua mãe fez seu café dando a ela uma cesta com tudo pronto neste dia especial? 
Olha que legal, você pode personalizar a tampa da sua caixa com a frase ou foto que quiser.
💗E por ultimo mas não menos importante, na CRC também tem Festa na Caixa. 
Esse momento especial merece uma comemoração, não precisa montar nada, o legal é que já vem tudo pronto e é só você vai aproveitar.

Quem correr na loja essa semana esta ganhando brinde e 10% de DESCONTO aproveitem.

E ai, vocês gostam e tem produtos personalizados assim? 
 Conta pra gente aqui nos comentários, a gente quer saber.

5 de julho de 2019

Step By Step How to Put a Lace

4 comentários:

Hi, Hi, My Beutiful People!
We women have this power to be who we want, and the power to change, whether in the visual in appearance or even in the hair, wearing a wig can make us a different woman every day, I always wanted to have a wig, being able to have straight hair on the day after day of my curls, I always wanted to change the color of my hair, but the fear of ruining my hair does not let me paint haha, so I saw that the best option to use is the wigs , so I can be whoever I want, choose to have the hair color I want and still not guilty.

It is called a full lace wig when hair strands are tied on lace base whole head and it is called a lace front wig if hair strands is tied on lace base only at front area combined with wefts or hair extension for rest of the wig.although they are all human hair wigs,their prices are quite different,so their are many opinions of how to choose one full lace wig or lace front wig,and how to make it looks natural when wearing a lace wig.

We sell different types of stock human hair wigs on our site. A lace front wig has the lace base in the front of the wig, this gives a very natural looking front hairline. A full lace wig has this lace over whole wig which allows the rest of the hairline to look natural for certain styles such as a high ponytail or updo.full lace wigs and front lace wigs are freestyle that you can part any where you like.

When choosing a full lace wig or lace front wig, you'll need to consider the type of hair you want. 100% Remy human hair makes the highest quality of wig, but it's also the most expensive. Remy hair means that the hair was cut with great care, and that cuticle is attached to the wig in the same direction that the hair originally grew. There are different hairstyle available,Chinese Remy hair is thicker and coarser, and Indian Remy hair is silkier and softer,but not as strong as Chinese hair.There are also websites or shops selling full lace wigs and front lace wigs that contain animal hair, such as yak, angora or horse hair,or a combination of animal and human hair,such wigs are not high quality.
You must consider whether the hair of full lace wig or lace front wig has been hand tied or machine tied to the wig base. The highest quality wigs are made by hand,hair strands are tied on lace base, but this also produces lace wigs that is a little more expensive.An economical option might be a wig that combines these methods,with hand tied hair in the front and machine tied hair in the back.A hand tied lace front wig or full lace wig will style easier and will be freestyle.

Full lace wigs and front lace wigs were traditionally used in show business and the theater. This is because it takes a little more effort to apply a lace front wig or full lace wig than a traditional wig. It's best to practice this a few times, so that you can get a natural looking hairline. The wig is attached along the hairline with a special adhesive or tape, taking care to keep the adhesive away from your natural hair when apply the lace wig.

And you already felt the urge to wear a wig too?

 tell us here in the comments.

3 de julho de 2019

How to Make Hair Grow Fast and Not Spending Too Much

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Hi, Hi My Beautiful People!
I do not know about you, but I've always wanted to use a hair extension and the Virgin Indian hair extensions are beautiful and soft. They will make you look and feel incredible. Virgin Indian Hair weave is also extremely versatile, which makes it perfect for achieving a limitless array of styles. (Find yours here 👉 human hair extensions can be expensive and sometimes they do not last as long as you want. When extensions do not last, it is usually because they are made of poor quality or because the customer has not maintained them properly. We want you to last as long as possible. The first step is to purchase a quality weave. Silk Indian Hair has the best quality weaves that will make you look fantastic. Also, you have to understand how to properly maintain the weave. Below are tips you should use when taking care of your Virgin Indian Hair! Properly caring for your hair ensures that it will last longer and look better for many days of wear.

💁Keep the Extensions Clean

A good rule of thumb is to clean the hair once or twice a week. It is best to do this with cold or lukewarm water. You do not want to use hot water, as the heat can be damaging to the hair. By cleaning it, you prevent dirt and sweat from building up and causing tangles in your hair. Proper cleaning also prevents styling product build-up, which can cause irreversible damage to your weave. For more information about cleaning your weave, please refer to our previous blog posts.

💁Avoid Sleeping on Wet Hair

After you wash the weave, you should let it air dry naturally. Heat from a blow dryer can damage the hair, which can shorten its life-span. If you choose to use a blower-dryer, it's best to use it on a cool / cold setting. After the hair is dry, you should brush it thoroughly then put it in a large braid before bed. The braid will keep the hair from getting tangled while you sleep. Be sure you never sleep with wet hair.

💁Leave-In Conditioner is Your Best Friend:

Moisture is essential to keeping both your weave and your natural hair healthy. After you get out of the shower, apply leave-in conditioner in your hair, starting from your ends and working towards your roots (avoid applying to your roots if your extensions have been applied with glue, as this can weaken the glue's bond). This keeps it moisturized so it lasts longer. Make sure you get a conditioner that is formulated for use on Virgin Indian hair weaves. Using one that is not made for this type of hair can damage it.

💁Brush It Daily:

Tangles are a worst nightmare when you have extensions, so make sure you brush the hair often to prevent tangles from forming. You should always treat your weave the same way you treat your hair! Brushing your hair benefits both the weave and your natural hair.

💁Use the Proper Shampoo:

Weaves require a unique shampoo. If you are looking for proper maintenance tools for Indian hair weaves, ask your salon for recommendations on the best shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Are you looking for a reliable website to order Indian hair vendors online? Well, look no further. You can find quality extensions at Silk Indian Hair. All of our hair is 100% natural, uncolored, untreated, unprocessed, odorless, and free of chemicals. Our weaves are not steamed, treated, or pressed, so if you wash the hair and let it dry naturally, it will go back to its original texture. It is extremely durable and will last you many days of wear as long as you clean and maintain it properly. For the highest quality Virgin Indian hair weave, contact Silk Indian Hair by filling out our short contact form.

After so many tips, now is to choose, and have the hair that always dreamed

So, did you like the tips? Tell us people here in the comments.

11 de junho de 2018

Dicas e Looks para Roubar no Dia dos Namorados.

5 comentários:
Oii, Oii, Minhas Lindas Pessoas!
O mês de junho chegou e sabemos que esse também é o mês dos namorados, (clima de romance por favor) o amor está no ar! hehe💕
E nada melhor do que nesta data especial estar bem arrumados para um jantar a dois, uma noite no cinema, ou encontro na cidade mesmo, o que vale é ficar ainda mais linda(o) para esse dia especial, então hoje a dica é inspiração de looks para o dia dos namorados.

Do look mais Formal ao Casual, tudo depende do casal.😍
Investir em cores neutras evitam que se erre na hora de compor o look, o preto é sempre coringa na hora da duvida.

Do Romântico ao Despojado, o que não vale é estragar o penteado.👫
Tons pasteis fazem com que o look fique mais delicado e assim, consequentemente romântico, mas se você quer um look mais despojado invista nos tênis sempre.

Combinando ou totalmente Oposto, tudo depende do gosto.💑
Look combinando tem tudo haver com o dia dos namorados, se vocês não tiverem roupas iguais, tente ao menos ficar parecidos, vamos supor, com um look total jeans.

Do Ousado ao Discretinho, sempre investindo no estilo.😻
Se vocês são um casal ousado invista nos looks com personalidade, cores fortes e acessórios, mas se vocês são um casal discretinho invistam no look com cores sóbrias, ou até com estampas geek que tem tudo haver com o estilo.

Do Moderno a Moda Antiga, o que vale é o amor pra toda vida.😉
Looks moderninhos estão com tudo, mas para quem esta amando essas tendencias que estão voltando dos anos 90 também estão arrasando. 

E agora e só curtir com o seu par.
 Se inspirou? Conta pra gente aqui nos comentários, a gente quer saber.

7 de maio de 2016

Como surpreender a sua Mãe neste dia Especial?

11 comentários:
Oii, Oii, Minhas Lindas Pessoas, Vamos Papear?

Mais antes um Boooom Dia bem animado hehe
Hoje o blog traz um vídeo novo e um post especial...
O dia das mães já é amanhã, então hoje trouxemos um vídeo mega especial para o Dia das Mães com inspiração de looks, dicas e muito mais...

Existe todo o tipo de Mãe... seja de coração, ou que esteja agora só no coração.
O importante é que com ela você pode, ou pôde contar sempre.
Guarde os bons momentos ou compartilhe os novos, Afinal todo o dia é Dia da sua mãe, se não fosse ela você não estaria aqui!

Espero que gostem,  pode dar Play que é vídeo \0/ \0/

E por hoje foi só ahhhhhh! hahaha
Conta pra gente qual é o estilo que sua mãe adora hein?

Assista o vídeo que tem mais dicas por lá!

Se gostou deixe seu comentário aqui pra gente, de o seu like no vídeo e se inscreva no nosso canal também que mais novidades estão por vir hein!

E não se esqueça de seguir as nossas redes sociais e o nosso blog, bem no canto direito da tela. 

Um Beijo Grande!

8 de maio de 2015

Surpreenda A Sua Mãe!

93 comentários:

Oii, Oii, Minhas Lindas Pessoas, Vamos Papear?

Continuando na serie  Especial De Dia das Mães, hoje trouxemos uma dica bem especial pra vocês!
Se você está sem dinheiro e não sabe o que fazer para sua mãe a dica é essa:

Gestos Simples Fazem toda a Diferença, quem concorda?

Assista o vídeo que tem mais dicas por lá!

Se gostou deixe seu comentário aqui pra gente, de o seu like no vídeo e se inscreva no nosso canal também que mais novidades estão por vir hein!

E não se esqueça de seguir as nossas redes sociais e o nosso blog, bem no canto direito da tela. 

Um Beijo Grande!

7 de maio de 2015

Inspiração de Looks Para o Dia das Mães.

61 comentários:
Oii, Oii, Minhas Lindas Pessoas, Vamos Papear?

Gente, mais como essa semana passou rápido não acham? pelo menos pra mim essa semana voou, e já estamos pertinho do final de semana, todo mundo grita Yeeeeeee! hahaha
E por aqui no blog sera uma serie de dicas para o Dia das Mães.
Ontem postamos um vídeo que vou deixar aqui abaixo, e hoje tem as dicas de looks para sua Mãe ficar ainda mais linda!

Vem se inspirar!

E por hoje foi só ahhhhhh! hahaha
Conta pra gente qual é o estilo que sua mãe adora hein?

Assista o vídeo que tem mais dicas por lá!

Se gostou deixe seu comentário aqui pra gente, de o seu like no vídeo e se inscreva no nosso canal também que mais novidades estão por vir hein!

E não se esqueça de seguir as nossas redes sociais e o nosso blog, bem no canto direito da tela. 

Um Beijo Grande!